Concerned Nkrumahists of North America


Fellow Ghanaian,

Over the past 40 plus years, our dear country, Ghana,, has been going backward and backward, while all the other countries it started out with have made progress for the benefit of their peoples.

Compared to Nkrumah, Ghana's leadership after 1966 has been abysmal and below standard. As a result of BAD LEADERSHIP, ABYSMAL POLICIES and absence of RULE of LAW, we find our dear nation in a sad state with poor healthcare, poor education, schools without toilets, no jobs for educated and uneducated alike. Our children, brothers and sisters are risking their lives for menial jobs and  unspeakable abuses in foreign lands.

Many people in the world believe that if Ghana had continued on the path Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah had laid out, Ghanaians would be among the most prosperous people in the world. We believe it is not too late. We believe we Ghanaians can still do a lot in a short time to make Ghana a better place for us all.

With the passage of time, many of the things that Dr. Nkrumah started and implemented are either forgotten, or fading out of collective memory. But that is not by accident. First, there was a deliberate attempt to destroy his legacy through neglect. Then, those institutions that survived were sold (and are still being sold) to cronies, friends and family at the expense of YOU, the ordinary Ghanaian, whose inheritance this is.

Whether the current state of affairs continues is up to you and me. It is up to us to decide whether we want our government, we have voted to power, to create opportunities for us and our children or whether we are satisfied living in our present hardships, with little or no opportunities for our children, our relatives, you and me. Current conditions force our youth, in the most productive years, to risk their lives across deserts and seas to go abroad, to be treated shabbily and sold as slaves, again. It is time to stand together and say “No! NO MORE!”

We are currently working on an educational project that will send you videos and writings to help you understand what Nkrumah was about. This is designed to help you realize and understand the fact that there is hope and a more glorious future for all of us. So, over the next several months look out for video clips and writings that will help us realize we have a say in whether we receive the full blessings that God still holds out for us all.

God bless you.



Who We Are

August, 2018.

History of CNNA:

On March 2015, Dr. Kofi Roberts and Dr. Francis Nyandeh met to discuss the deplorable and deteriorating conditions in Ghana. About a month later the two were joined by five other Ghanaians with the same impressions and concerns -  Dr. Thad Ulzen, Dr. Emmanuel Quaye, Mr. Kwesi Budu, Mr. Anthony Kwaku Manful, and Mr. Daniel Bentil.

After much soul searching and discussions, the seven Ghanaians decided to form an intervention group which will advocate Social and Economic Justice for all Ghanaians. The group further determined that the vision propounded by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's first prime minister and president, is all about Social Justice for all Ghanaians. It is at the core of his vision and his philosophy for national development. 

It is also what is lacking most in Ghana today.

On October, 2015 the group took in three additional members - Akyaaba Addae Sebo, Dr. Gordon Donnir and Dr. Fred Nantogmah. Thus Concerned Nkrumaists of North America (CNNA) was organized. On February 2017, it was duly registered under the laws of the State of Georgia.

Since May 2015, the group has convened for telephone conferencing each Sunday afternoon / evening excepting official holidays. Thus far, CNNA have met about 200 times to discuss various issues affecting progress and living conditions in Ghana. 

On March 2017, the group sponsored a conference at the W.E.B. Du Bois Center, in Accra, to discuss the merits of Nkrumaist-inspired policies and how they may help provide some relief for the suffering masses of Ghana. A second conference, sponsored by the group, was held in South Carolina on the weekend of September 1st of 2017. 

The third conference was held in Accra in September 2018 and will continue to be held anually for the purpose of offering progressive education to inspire and to foster Social and Economic Justice for all Ghanaians

Dr. Kofi Roberts – Secretary

Contact us.

Mail: P.O.BOX 455 Decatur, Georgia

123 Email:
Phone: (404) 259-8095