Progressive Alliance for Ghana

PAG in consultation with the people, will develop and implement progressive, sustainable policies and programs that offer equitable opportunities for all Ghanaians in the growth and development of the nation.

Our Core Values

  • Citizen-Centered Government

    Service to support the citizen’s plans, goals, and desires, courteously delivered on time, without inconvenience and undue cost to citizens, by a professional public service.

  • Principled Nationalization

    Nationalization of key strategic industry and extractive mineral sector will ensure security and guarantee democratic management for the benefit of the entire population, provide employment, and develop the country and entail environmental protection for future generations.

  • National and Cultural Identity

    Safeguard the name of Ghana. Maintain and defend our national reputation with pride. Study and honor the origins, practices and traditions of our indigenous communities and societies.

  • Social and Economic Justice

    To protect the fundamental and universal Human Rights of all people particularly the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our society in a manner that provides a quality of life free from discrimination which ensures each person’s dignity and worth.

Pan Africanist Convention in London 2019 Part 1

Mission Statement

Guided by the principles of economic and social justice, PAG in consultation with the people, will develop and implement progressive, sustainable policies and programs that offer equitable opportunities for all Ghanaians in the growth and development of the nation. 

Vision Statement: Work and Happiness